Now this I can groove to. Way to go man. You seemed to have taken a lil break but u come back and nail us with an amazing song. I'm likin this. B0UNC3 adds a new one and you do too... this is my lucky day lol
The intro was slow and kool. You brought it together really kool. Starts off really slow, then starts to start up, then everything is a lil messy and hazy and then BAM! It kicks in and it kicks in sweet. I really like this man. This is something I can really get into. Not the kinda thing I just close my eyes to and chill like trance dance and tranceual but this is something I really get into.
There is room for improvement. I'll download it and listen and analyz later and tell you my thoughts on msn as usual cause I'm too lazy to do it now. Just droping a line, or many, to show u I've seen it and its KOOL
The outro was really woah... I like the outro lol. Really kool effect. But it seemed to cut off when it shoulda faded out which was a lil disappointing.
Anyways great work, get in a few improvements and it'll kick some major ass.
-Fuel to fking Fire-